Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Woodsy - Beadraich and I just found out that neither of us have to work tomorrow.  Most of the Men's Alpine Crews have the day off.  So...we are technically done with our volunteering duties.  I told my crew chief that I would stop in on Thursday or Friday to say good bye etc.
Yesterday we worked, met Michael's cousin at the Weasel House and then went for dinner at Creek Bread again.  We were home in time to watch Virture/Moir win gold.  It was excellent!
Today we skiied Blackcomb with an old neighbour of mine, Neighbour Dave.  We went on a tour with a Mountain Host.  It was a great tour, went up to 7th Heaven which was fun!  I have decided I like Whistler better.  We are going to Rim Rock tonight for dinner.  It is supposed to be a really good restaurant.
Gotta run, I typed this blog post while on the gondola!!
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  1. Have you been having any celeb encounters?
    Did you take pics of the skiing events?

  2. What's the 7th heaven?
    Michelle Webber
