Sunday, February 14, 2010

My day

Woodsy - This morning I got to sleep in.  8 am at mid station tent.  So, really this means get up at 6:40, get dressed, get the bus, check in, have breakfast, grab my skiis and board the gondola all by 8 am.  This morning at check in there were Valentine's Day stickers, candies and lots of smiles.  The ladies at check in really start your day with a smile!  I spent my morning at "Bear Cat Flats", which has the best view of the downhill.  Lots of people come before the race to scope out the best view.  It is fun to talk with everyone to see where they are from.  Lots of people are very appreciative of how far the volunteers have travelled from.  I spent this after at "Men's Start".  It was even better than the morning because it was very busy-checking accreditation etc.  At one point I even got a smooch from a "race course crew", named Beadraich. :). It is Valentine Day afterall!
I met Beadraich at the Weasel House again (is it becoming a habit? Lol).  We went to Southside Diner for dinner.  I had read how good their macaroni and cheese was.  Since Beadraich loves mac and cheese it is a great idea for Valentine's Day.
Our big day is tomorrow-Men's Downhill.  Hope everyone will be watching it streaming at their computers at work. 
Here is my "office" for the next couple of weeks and my skiis this am in the powder.

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1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you guys are having a fabulous time! I love the stories and the photos, and can't believe your energy - up before the crack of dawn, on the hill all day, and still out and about at night!! Y'all are my heroes. Spoken by a mom whose fantasies consist of sleep....
