Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hello out there?

Woodsy - Beadraich and I are having an amazing time during our adventure.  However, we are wondering if there is anyone out there...please post comments.  We love to get them and we look everyday hoping to see what you have to say.
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  1. Hey Happy Smurf and Smurfette,
    I have been reading your updates and really enjoy them. I'm waiting for soem celebrity photos.....hahaha
    Glad you guys are having fun.


    PS remind people on FB to check this

  2. Yes - we're out here and looking forward to all your posts - it's exciting to hear your involvement in it all - we're watching as much of the Olympics as we can fit in and are feeling the spirit - even the kids are into it!!!

  3. I want to know what the Weasel House is????

  4. I'm reading every one. It sounds like you guys are having a fantastic adventure, although I'm sure you could do without the 4 a.m. starts!

  5. Porter Cash is following along intently from the confines of her office in Ontarible…. Wishing she was there and anticipating more stories over a glass of bubbly when you return.
