Monday, February 15, 2010

Nap.... On the Olympic downhill course.

Beadraich - I'm breaking the rules as I'm showing my face. But this is priceless. Photo taken by Jenn McCann one of my crewmates.


  1. You asked for comments. I am Graydon's sister-in-law, and I am reading your blog. Thanks for the pictures and brief descriptions of your days. A question: Why is a picture of your face breaking the rules?

  2. Cool pic! Are the volunteers now allowed to have their photos online? We wont tell on you!

  3. Hey Everyone. Woodsy and I decided early on that this blog wouldn't include photos that showed our whole faces. Just a personal decision to keep it a little bit anonymous for those people who aren't friends and family. This particular photo was too good to resist, and a crewmate of mine helped me out and took the photo.
