Monday, January 18, 2010

3 weeks... plus a day.

Beadraich - So in the last week, I've spoken with my crew chief in Whistler and now I have a better grasp of what I'll be doing out there. I will be a part of a small crew that will likely be responsible for a section of the race course. We could be smoothing out ruts, shovelling snow, cycling equipment and fencing/Willies Bags, or even setting up fencing and gates.

Now, I don't think they will be trusting setting gates with an inexperienced person like myself, but according to my crew chief we will get lots of help, instruction and time to rest.

Am I nervous? Yep, I don't know how steep the pitch will really be, and I've never had to ski with gear, or even much without poles, and I'm sure the terrain in general will be overwhelming at first, but it will be an incredible challenge and experience.

I do know that my Crew Chief stressed, if it feels unsafe, or uncomfortable, don't do it. so that is reassuring and leaves me feeling less nervous. I'm sure I won't be the worst skier out there.

Anyhow, I'm off to work on my list of things that I will need in order to survive the days on the hill, and nights on the town ;o)

Cheers to everyone who has followed us this far, and thanks for the support, encouragement and well wishes.

1 comment:

  1. I am so looking forward to your blogs from the games! Please tell me you will be taking photos and posting them :O)
