Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ski Season is here!

Beadraich - As Woodsy mentioned yesterday, we enjoyed first tracks at Osler Bluff Ski Club yesterday thanks to some friends who signed us in. It was AWESOME! Yesterday's definition of a lift lineup was when two groups of skiers would arrive at the chair at the same time.

With -15 plus windchill, yesterday was the perfect chance to see how my new Icebreaker base layer would perform. And perform it did. I was warm all day except for some exposed skin between my goggles and beard.

The skiing? Woodsy was her usual metronome self with smooth rythmic turns, even as she was adjusting as her feet and new boots were introduced for the first time. (Carrie was right, by the end of the day her feet were getting happier and the boots were feeling better) Now, for me, I felt like a duck out of water, but after a few runs and a few pointers, I was doing better. Carrie will say it's entirely in the great Preseason tuneup from Kenmark that allowed me to even stay on my feet ;o). My legs, can't say the same this morning as they are not happy with me. Hot Tub at the gym, here I come.

A week from today we'll be in Quebec, skiing some new terrain and enjoying a little break from it all. Expect some posts, and even some photos if Woodsy will approve them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! If you know Cumberland you must know Remy's! That's where we had dinner :O)
